The importance of good training in the manual handling of people cannot be emphasised enough. Recent figures issued by the Health and Safety Executive indicate that, in the year 2010/11, 12% of all reported workplace manual handling injuries involved medical or care staff who were handling people. Considering there were a total of almost 35,900 RIDDOR reports of handling injuries to employees, that’s over 4,300 incidents regarding people handling in one year. Around a sixth of those also involved using special equipment, such as hoists.

An Economical Way to Avoid Such Incidents

Many such accidents can be avoided if all staff have received the right kind of people handling training. The most cost effective way of ensuring this is to have well trained in-house instructors who can provide regular courses for new recruits and refreshers for everyone as required.

When personnel have completed the Alistair Bromhead Four Day People Handling Train the Trainer Course, they gain a qualification from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) as quality trainers. You can be confident that they have the technical knowledge, training skills and course material to design, develop and deliver effective manual handling training to those who move and handle people and patients. Some employers even find they can make money out of them by hiring them out to other organisations as trainers.

Who Can Attend the IOSH Train The Trainer Course?

As long as they are fit enough to be able to demonstrate people handling techniques, and a good level of spoken and written English, staff members will be suitable for this course. They don’t have to have health care or training experience, although either or both of these would be useful.

The course has been delivered to care home staff, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, occupational health practitioners, ergonomists, moving and handling specialists, paramedics, tutors and lecturers. They always appreciate the practical and interactive course content, the patient handling instructor’s pack to help them with their courses, and the ongoing support which is included in the course fee.

If you’d like to receive the benefits of bringing your training in-house, you’ll get a head start with this course from Alistair Bromhead Ltd.